Thought they were kidding when they showed me my office

At the beginning of the pandemic I was one of the unfortunate people who lost their jobs.

I realize that I’m not at all unique with this story of struggle, but I do have some strange twists and turns to my story.

You see, shortly after I was let go from my position, I began searching for a new profession to fill the void. I found an online marketing position was opening at a nearby start up and I immediately submitted my application. I knew I was going to have a lot to learn but I was looking forward to the challenge. Besides, I was desperate for the paycheck. When I arrived at the startup company’s office, I noticed that they had amazing indoor air quality control. I have to say, their central HVAC system was actually one of the reasons that I took the job. I couldn’t afford to keep sitting in my own central cooling system anymore and I looked forward to the option of having an air conditioner during the hottest part of the humid summer day. I accepted their job offer and reported to work on my first day, thinking that it was a great opportunity. When I arrived and walked into their amazing air conditioning I patted myself on the back for making good decisions and saving on my own energy bill. That’s when my new boss walked me directly out of the amazing air conditioning and into a small trailer next to the office building. He told me this is where I would be working. There was a tiny AC window unit hovering directly above the decrepit desk that he motioned to. For a moment, I honestly thought that he was kidding about the subpar working conditions and indoor air temperature control system. And then, he walked out of the trailer and closed the door.


air conditioner