Nurses can relax in the supply closet now

I think it’s completely shocking that there are so many hospitals forcing their workers to take on extra shifts right now.

I know that there isn’t much of a choice because our viral pandemic has continued to rage on for the past several months.

In fact, it seems like new cases are climbing through the roof every single day. It has to be getting extremely dire and dangerous for these critical service workers, including doctors, nurses, and hospital staff. Not only are they on call all the time and working extra hours, but I’ve also heard that they’re taking away staff break rooms. There is such a shortage of hospital beds available that they’re literally commandeering the normal break rooms to turn them into ICU facilities. Where are the nurses going for breaks? Into the supply closets. That’s right, these overworked humans are now being shoved in with the air filters, ventilators, and respiratory devices in the storage closets. Not only are they trying to keep themselves sane while they stand next to the forced air furnaces and ductwork, but I have questions about the ventilation that’s available in these supply closets. Surely, there is not enough circulation provided to a regular closet. There can’t be an abundance of air vents or access to the high quality indoor air that’s circulating through the rest of the hospital. I doubt that they have any air conditioning or air purification and reaching these tiny, claustrophobic break rooms. When these poor medical professionals just need a moment to breathe, it sounds like they are completely devoid of even normal HVAC systems.


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