I worked in a biology lab; your UV purification isn’t working

It’s pretty funny to me that people prefer to listen to advertisements over experts.

Companies can put out any piece of written or video garbage and people seem to lap it right up.

If they do bother to check their facts, I feel like they would rather side with the corporation who’s out to make a buck off of their purchases rather than listening to the people who have years of experience in the field. At least, that seems to be how it is with my family and their extremely strange views about indoor air quality. Since this pandemic began, my family started going overboard with their indoor air quality concerns. I understand why you would want to make sure that you were breathing high quality indoor air as much as possible, but there are certain things that aren’t going to make a big difference. But doesn’t stop my family from purchasing expensive air filters, air purifiers, filling the air ducts with cleaning products, and buying UV light disinfection methods. It’s the last two air scrubbing policies that really don’t work. From my years working in a biological research lab, I can tell you that UV light is not the best way to disinfect your air. A brand new UV bulb can kill microscopic toxins, organisms, and airborne contamination. There is no doubt about that. However, UV lights quickly lose their powerful disinfection capabilities over time. Working in the lab, I had to oversee the ventilation in controlled fume hoods. If we had a UV light in use for air disinfection, the bulb had to be replaced every couple of months. I know for a fact that modern HVAC companies developing their air purification systems with UV lights are not advertising this to their customers. If they are, my family definitely isn’t listening.


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